Who Will Tuck Me in Tonight?


It’s bedtime, but Woolly the little lamb can’t find his mother. Who will tuck him in?"I will, I will," said Mrs. Cow. "Don’t you worry. I know how. Everything will be all right. I’ll tuck you in real snug and tight." But Mrs. Cow wraps poor Woolly up so tight that he can’t move."STOP!" cries Woolly. "That’s not right! Oh, who will tuck me in tonight?" Mrs. Cat, Mrs. Horse, Mrs. Pig, and Mrs. Duck all try, but their efforts prove disastrous, and Woolly grows more and more desperate. From the team who created the best-selling "Little Bunny’s Sleepless Night comes another comic, yet sweet and satisfying, bedtime story.

  • Autori: Valeri Gorbachev, Carol Roth
  • Editura: NorthSouth
  • Anul aparitiei: 2003
  • ISBN: 9780735817722
  • Numar de pagini: 32
  • Categorie: Children’s

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