The Betterphoto Guide to Digital Photography
Digital cameras are the hot new tech toy-but many of the millions of people who are buying the cameras aren’t getting the most out of their new purchase. Mysterious icons, strange jargon, a dizzying array of imaging software and hardware…stumbling blocks quickly become tools to create great pictures with "The BetterPhoto Guide to Digital Photography." This practical, lesson-based workbook gives readers a step-by-step tutorial in getting bright, crisp, beautiful pictures from their digital cameras every time. Learn about exposure, file formats and quality settings, low-light photography, digital filters and white balance, composition and lens choice, manipulating images, printing, and much more, all in a handy, bring-along format. Everyone who has a digital camera-or who is thinking about getting one-needs "The BetterPhoto Guide to Digital Photography"!
- Autori: Jim Miotke
- Editura: Amphoto Books
- Anul aparitiei: 2005
- ISBN: 9780817435523
- Numar de pagini: 224
- Categorie: Photography
Pret: 117,00 RON