Teaching Physics with Toys Easyguide Edition
Your students have inquiring minds- Help them to discover physics! The first edition of Teaching Physics with TOYS brought fun and learning to thousands of classrooms. Now, the completely revised Teaching Physics with TOYS-EASYGuide Edition provides new activities in collaboration with K’NEX Education, along with many new features to guide and support science inquiry in your classroom. ¢22 hands-on investigations for grades 3-9 make physics principles fun and easy to teach! Students use common toys to explore inertia, kinetic energy, laws of motion, and many more physics principles. ¢Simple step-by-step teaching notes and online access to reproducible and customizable student pages save you time preparing and teaching lessons. ¢K’NEX pieces-used to build assorted levers and pulley systems, balances,crank fans, tops, cars, and more- are a fun and economical alternative to single-use equipment. ¢Connections to National Science Education Standards are detailed for each activity.
- Autori: Dwight Portman, Beverley Taylor, Susan Gertz
- Editura: Terrific Science Press
- Anul aparitiei: 2005
- ISBN: 9781883822408
- Numar de pagini: 336
- Categorie: Education
Pret: 117,00 RON