The Betterphoto Guide to Digital Photography
Digital cameras are the hot new tech toy-but many of the millions of people who are buying the cameras aren’t getting the most out of their new purchase. Mysterious icons, strange jargon, a dizzying array of imaging software and hardware…stumbling blocks quickly become tools to create great pictures with "The BetterPhoto Guide to Digital Photography." This practical, lesson-based workbook gives readers a step-by-step tutorial in getting bright, crisp, beautiful pictures from their digital cameras every time. Continue Reading →
Think Twice
Unbeknownst to her identical twin Bennie Rosato, Alice Connelly is on the run from her drug-dealing confederates who are trying to kill her. Alice sees only one way out–to become Bennie. Now Bennie must prove who she really is, while Alice ruins her life.
Comportament organizational. Teorii, exercitii si studii de caz
Lucrarea profesorului Marian Preda este un raspuns bine articulat la intrebarea: „Ce cunostinte teoretice si deprinderi sint necesare si cum le utilizam pentru a avea rezultate pozitive in organizatii?”. Parcurgerea studiului si rezolvarea exercitiilor conduc la asimilarea notiunilor fundamentale pentru a intelege modalitatile in care comportamentul indivizilor, dinamica grupurilor, interactiunile dintre indivizi sau dintre indivizi si structurile organizationale produc performanta. Continue Reading →
Beard on Food: The Best Recipes and Kitchen Wisdom from the Dean of American Cooking
One of Americas great culinary thinkers and teachers collects his best essays, in this compendium of fabulous recipes and delicious bites of writing that is both an invaluable reference for cooks and a delightful read for armchair gourmands.
Dictionar de arta universala
Prezentul Dictionar de arta universala cuprinde un mare numar de fise biografice de artisti si substantiale articole de sinteza, venind sa umple un gol resimtit de mult in istoriografia noastra de arta. El se adreseaza in special tinerilor studiosi, dar si iubitorilor de frumos in general care viziteaza muzee, expozitii, monumente, castele, catedrale, manastiri sau citesc lucrari dedicate artei si care doresc sa-si imbogateasca biblioteca personala nu cu o ampla si costisitoare lucrare de referinta in mai multe volume ci cu o accesibila carte "de buzunar", in masura sa raspunda documentat si succint la cat mai multe intrebari specifice acestui domeniu. Continue Reading →
On God
On God contemplates our search for the sacred. Krishnamurti explores the futility of seeking knowledge of the ‘unknowable’ and shows that it is only when we have ceased seeking with our intellects that we may be ‘radically free’ to experience reality, truth, and bliss. Continue Reading →
Manava-Dharma-Sastra sau cartea legii lui Manu
Cartea Legii lui Manu este lucrarea fundamentala despre dreptul hindus si societatea indiana antica, reprezentand o piatra de temelie a gandirii politice moderne. O lectura obligatorie pentru toti pasionatii de filozofie politica.
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A Week in the Zone
A national bestseller for more than three years in hardcover, The Zone has introduced millions of people worldwide to a breakthrough approach to dieting based on Novel Prize-winning scientific research. Treating food as the most powerful drug available, The Zone plan shows how food, when used unwisely, can be toxic. Continue Reading →
Tratat De Metafizica
Despre metafizica s-a discutat, se discuta si se va discuta si in viitor la o tensiune ideatica si cu o inversunare polemica pe care alte discipline nu le-au cunoscut.
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Three Favourite Animal Stories
Bringing together three heart-warming animal tales, this book includes ‘The Owl Who was Afraid of th