Nurturing Spirituality in Children: Simple Hands-On Activities


The greatest gifts that a child can receive are an opened mind, a caring heart, and ignited creativity. This fully expanded, illustrated edition of "Nurturing Spirituality in Children" includes sixty-two simple and thought-provoking lessons that can be shared with children in less than ten minutes each. The lessons are easy to prepare and understand; they use commonly available materials and complement a wide variety of religious perspectives.Children who develop a healthy balance of mind and spirit are better able to respond to life’s challenges when given the tools to think and discover for themselves. Dr. Jenkins gives scores of age-appropriate activities that help children learn empathy, trust, forgiveness, growth, and inner peace.

  • Autori: Peggy Joy Jenkins
  • Editura: Beyond Words Publishing
  • Anul aparitiei: 2008
  • ISBN: 9781582702117
  • Numar de pagini: 170
  • Categorie: Family

Pret: 72,00 RON

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