Little Book of Letterpress


Thanks to traditional letterpress technique’s popularity in DIY and indie-crafter circles, it’s become the darling of the stationery world with innovative new studios popping up all over the globe, from Texas to Denmark. Little Book of Letterpress is a treasure trove of remarkable work from some of the hottest and coolest letterpress studios working today, including Egg Press and Hello Lucky. Featuring an enlightening history of the craft, explanations of the different types of presses, sneak peeks into the studios, and details about the process of creation, this volume is the epitome of handcrafted hip.

  • Autori: Charlotte Rivers
  • Editura: Chronicle Books
  • Anul aparitiei: 2010
  • ISBN: 9780811875073
  • Numar de pagini: 192
  • Categorie: Art

Pret: 109,00 RON

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