Category Archives for Art
Dictionar de arta universala
Prezentul Dictionar de arta universala cuprinde un mare numar de fise biografice de artisti si substantiale articole de sinteza, venind sa umple un gol resimtit de mult in istoriografia noastra de arta. El se adreseaza in special tinerilor studiosi, dar … Continue reading
The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course in Art History from Prehistoric to Post-Modern
It’s a paradox of American culture. Throughout the country, in every major city, art museums stand as our proudest, most venerated public institutions – the world’s great art, there for all to see. Yet for many Americans, the world of … Continue reading
My Secret: A Postsecret Book
From the bestselling author of "PostSecret" comes a collectible, flexibound book offering a fascinating glimpse inside the secret world of teens and college students, presented through their homemade postcards anonymously submitted to Warren.
Claude Monet: Water Lilies
Claude Monet (1840-1926) devoted the last 25 years of his career to paintings of the Japanese-style
1000 de specii de pesti.
Cu aceasta carte porniti intr-o expeditie de descoperiri prin colorata lume subacvatica! Fantasticele imagini colorate infatiseaza frumusetile marilor si apele dulci din lumea intreaga. Dintr-o singura privire primiti informatii despre ecosistemul si arealul de raspandire al pestilor, despre inrudirile si … Continue reading
Logolounge 4: 2,000 International Identitites by Leading Designers-DISCOUNT 20%
The mini edition of the fourth volume in the best-selling LogoLounge series provides 2,000 logos from designers worldwide. This book, like the previous titles in the series, is compiled in association with, a website that was launched by Bill … Continue reading
Beginner’s Guide to Mosaic
Eight colorful, innovative, easy-to-follow projects show the beginner how to create a range of mosaics, from a colourful table top and crazy-paving flower pots to a beautiful clock embellished with beads and stunning bathroom panels. Each project is accompanied by … Continue reading
Image on the Edge: The Margins of Medieval Art
What do they all mean – the lascivious ape, autophagic dragons, pot-bellied heads, harp-playing asses, arse-kissing priests and somersaulting jongleurs to be found protruding from the edges of medieval buildings and in the margins of illuminated manuscripts?
Walter F. Starbuck ar fi putut deveni întruchiparea visului american. Fiu al unor imigranţi săraci care au renunţat la numele est-european Stankiewicz, greu de pronunţat, tânărul a beneficiat de ajutorul unui mare industriaş, care i-a plătit studiile la Harvard.